
Indulgences of St. Anthony

Events according to the liturgical calendar
Vytautavos Šv. Antano Paduviečio bažnyčia
2022-06-01 - 2022-06-30

Little parish of Vytautava and indulgences of St. Anthony

In 1930, Donatas Malinauskas, the owner of the manor, a signatory of the February 16th Act, donated the land and the houses of Paulinava farm to the future church of Vytautava. Built in 1939, a new one-tower cozy wooden church has three naves inside. Priest Nikodemas Švogžlys-the Giant took care of the construction. There was a plan to establish a town in this place, however, this idea wasn’t implemented. It was decided to name the parish Vytautava in the honor of Vytautas the Great. This is how the church of Vytautava named after Anthony of Padua has survived to this day. In 2009, the church was repaired along with replacing its tin roof.

Every year the priest of Onuškis parish of St. Apostles Philip and James Algimantas Gaidukevičius announces the annual grand indulgences of St. Anthony. St. Anthony of Padua is a great wonder-worker whose help is asked in prayers on any occasion. He is asked to help either find lost or to recover stolen items. Infertile families pray to him as well. Lisbon, where he was born, and Padua, where he died are having disputes over him. These cities are arguing over whose name must be the extension of the Saint.

Impressions and memories of childhood indulgences still remain in the memory of many. Some were led by their grandmother’s hand as she wore a white scarf and a dress for special occasions or a grandfather who dressed up for this occasion as well. For others, it was a regular family and entire believers’ community celebration, after which one was always rewarded with candy bought near the church.

Church indulgences is the day when believers i.e. those who performed the liturgical ceremonies established by the church, can receive forgiveness for their sins and, therefore, earn forgiveness for themselves and the dead. Old parishioners and guests from the whole region of Trakai and beyond come to Vytautava for the indulgences of St. Anthony every year. During Mass, the choristers are singing, the organ is playing, and all those gathered are invited to pray together. After Mass, an artistic program takes place in the churchyard, people taste various treats and communicate.

Having become a small rural area after the Second World War, Vytautava’s parish has managed to survive to this day while fostering traditions. It’s a treasure not only for the parishioners of Vytautava but also for the entire Lithuania. After all, like a mosaic, consisting of many tiny different and colored pieces, it hides its true power in community spirit and unity. 

Audio guide

Indulgences of St. Anthony
Indulgences of St. Anthony